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歡迎來到我們的網站! 如果您是第一次訪問我們的網站,並且您無法觀看我們新創建的主頁的動畫,下面是視頻播放器供您欣賞我們的努力。

About us

Over the past few decades, Hong Kong’s information technology (IT) industry has experienced ups and downs amid complex global and Greater China situations. Our company was established in 1999. Fortunately, it has been growing healthily. Not only has it not been phased out by technology trends, but it continues to grow. From the start of our business to the present, we have always had a strong interest in and dedication to technology, and firmly believe that the mission must be completed according to the reasonable requirements of customers. Gradually, this belief has allowed us to create synergies between us and our customers, allowing us to continuously grow together.

過去幾十年,香港的資訊科技(IT)行業在復雜的全球和大中華地區形勢下經歷了起起落落。 我們公司成立於1999年。幸運的是,它一直在健康成長。 它不僅沒有被技術趨勢淘汰,而且還在繼續增長。 從創業到現在,我們始終對技術有著濃厚的興趣和執著,堅信使命必須按照客戶的合理要求來完成。 漸漸地,這種信念使我們能夠在我們和客戶之間創造協同效應,使我們能夠不斷地共同成長。

What we do

We have always been known for our steady growth, allowing us to keep pace with the ever-increasing speed of technology without falling behind or being too aggressive.


With more than 30 years of experience, we strive to provide reliable and high-quality IT services for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is our accurate market positioning that enables us to stand firm in a dynamic market.

憑藉30多年的經驗,我們努力為中小企業提供可靠和優質的IT服務。 正是我們準確的市場定位使我們能夠在充滿活力的市場中站穩腳跟。

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